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Chapter XXXVI


Size: 36 cm x 27 cm

This scene takes place just outside Mr. Jagger's office. Pip asks Mr. Jaggers's clerk Mr. Wemmick,
how he could help out his friend Herbert with a little financial aid. Mr. Wemmick, who is busy
locking the law firm's safe in the corner, smiles at Pip's question, and proceeds then to explain him
that he could find a better use of his money by throwing it down the bridges of London.
Pip is disheartened by this reply, however, Mr. Wemmick quickly adds that this was his opinion at
the law firm. This remark didn't go unnoticed to Pip, and he promptly asks the clerk whether he could
come to dinner at his place in Walworth and discuss the matter over there. Latter takes the invitation with pleasure.

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