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Chapter XXXIV

Pip (sic!) receives the letter of his sister's departing.

Inside myself there is always the quest to improve upon my drawings. The general viewer may remark, that I'm very good in my endeavours and that my technique is very fine. That's all good and fine, but there is always the impulse to strive for perfection.

When I figured out how the style and format of the drawings were going to be, the act of illustrating became more and more an execution of specific strokes and techniques. The initial hesitancy in putting down a line on the paper to commence the drawing grew more faint and less powerful. After I'd done my few sketches and simulated a 3D-model of the scene on the computer, I would take a sheet of paper and draw a grid on it and then pen my way to the end.

After a while I felt stuck with the same formulas and I wanted to explore something new. So, I tried to dilute ink with water to get a greyscale going. Unfortunately it ended in a messy job, and I had to correct the colouring in post.

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