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Size: 27cm x 23cm
At a reunion of The Finches & Groves, the club to which Pip and Herbert are, since their coming of age, members, Bentley Drummle is called to toast on a lady of his acquaintance. After sneering at his adversary Pip, he calls the company to pledge him to Estella! This remark makes Pip seeth with anger and jealousy. Pip, who has his back to the viewer, rises in his place and accuses Drummle of toasting to a lady whom he knew nothing of. Drummle immediately starts up and demands Pip to explain himself, whereas the other gives a flowery invitation to a duel!

Would this have been Puschkin, Pip and Drummle would have without hindrance shot each other to death. Luckily it's Dickens, so both parties get calmed down by the club and Drummle has only to present a paper verifying his acquaintance with Estella.

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